Solar Sailor

Our technology is suitable for a wide range of applications from small unmanned vessels to large tankers, including ferries, tourist cruisers and private yachts.

A Dream Wedding Cruise

A Dream Wedding Cruise

Not every girl dreams of her wedding. But if she does, you can bet that it is planned right down to the dimpled little girl that would be her flower angel. And the place figures out mighty heavily on it all, the perfect place where she would walk beautifully like an...

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Five of the Best Oceanic Movies of All Time

Movies, who doesn’t love them? The telling and retelling of the stories of our lives or those that we wish them to be. Movies take us to a place other than where we are currently in. In a very public place such as the theaters we are privately experiencing drama,...

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Developing a Love for Aquatic Activities in Children

It starts out early, as most things do, the awareness and love that is sometimes passed on not necessarily because of genes but perhaps because our parents or those we have around loved the same things. The passion is shared, enthusiasm catching. There are also times...

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Sol Invictus Shining a Light in the Kitchen

Sol Invictus Shining a Light in the Kitchen

There is something about the ancient Roman civilisation and kitchen culture in my take on life and history. The Romans were an earthy people, an agrarian race who became the greatest military power of their time. Farmers would put down their scythes and take up their...

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Hollywood’s Shiny White Teeth Powering a Nation

Hollywood’s Shiny White Teeth Powering a Nation

I am, often, amazed, whilst watching Hollywood films, at how perfectly white are the teeth of all the characters being portrayed by the actors involved. Drug addicts, alcoholics, street people and the sick all have these amazingly white teeth. The make-up and costumes...

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